Friday 12 April 2013

Family Portraits love the 500 Project

The 500 Project I had in my heart to do went off with a bang! 

I had quite a few people contact me to photograph their family and new born babies. Even though I limited it to two people, I was so pumped that they wanted to be involved. 

The first couple that approached me was Colin and Sarah who had recently had a beautiful baby boy named Jonah. Of course I jumped at the chance because I LOVE babies and this baby is incredibly cute!

I was so honoured to photograph this stunning family and also honoured that I can be apart of a simple project, to raise money for a cause that helps rescue, place value and restore lives that have been subjected to human trafficking.

The sex and human traffic industry on our planet is a evil, mass-monster problem and so many of us can feel helpless as to what to do.  But partnering with campaigns such as  A21 Campaign, using a talent or gift that is in our hand to raise funds, we can help change the life of ONE. 
And I often think if that was me, if I was the "one", or someone I knew was the "one" that was handed over to men and forced to service them up to 100 times a day, geez I would be grateful that someone out there partnered with A21 and someone stopped to think about how they could see me/them rescued. 

I never forget the storey Christine Caine told of the first woman rescued through A21. She looked into Christine's eyes with tears streaming down her face and said "Why didn't you come sooner? There are more of us. Why didn't you come sooner?"  

Again, I am so stirred writing this. There is still so much to be done.
All it takes is a decision to get the ball rolling, thinking beyond ourselves and our own little world, using what's in our hand and doing our little bit.

If we all do our little bit, corporately we can make a difference. 

So to all the girls who are involved in the 500 project through the Colour Sisterhood, cheers to you! I love that we can be part of a cause bigger than ourselves. 

And to all of those not yet involved, I want to encourage you to think of something that is in your hand. What are you good at? What do you enjoy? How can you use it to make a difference in the life of "one"? Because the "one" matters in this eternal equation. It doesn't have to be massive or even stressful. Start small, like me, and see where it leads you. 

"We cant do everything, but we must do something. Together we can make a difference."

Love to you all, 

Love Riv xoxo


  1. I was inspired to hear what you did and so decided to do the same thing for my 500project. So simple - doing something you love for the freedom of those we love and yet do not know. I'm from Hillsong Noosa Sisterhood and just so excited to see what our girls will do for their 500 projects this year. Thanks for the inspiration! -
    Sunshine xxxx

    1. Oh I love that! Make sure you let me know when you have finished, I would love to see it! Pretty amazing to be apart of this hey.... love how so many of us are coming together making a difference... xoxxo
