Wednesday 20 March 2013

Gotta do something: 500 Project

After attending a COLOUR CONFERENCE this past week my heart was so stirred to be part of a project called "500 project". 

The 500 Project is a simple way that we as individuals or with friends can contribute to a "collective strategy". 
It is Partnering with campaigns such as A21 who exists to see an end to Human trafficking on our planet by raising awareness and education through schools and orphanages and universities across the globe.They also protect those who have been trafficked by building shelters and transition homes. These safe homes equip the survivor with skills and rehabilitate them for their future. 
It is a project that was birthed out of The Colour Sisterhood, which is simply a company of down to earth, everyday women who desire to make a difference and make the world a better place. It is a foundation seeking to place value upon humanity. 

Bobbie Houston, senior pastor of Hillsong Church, who is also my pastor and one of my favourite people on the planet, often reminds us that "If one woman can change her world, then only Heaven truely knows what ONE COMPANY of woman can achieve."

So I got to thinking if I AM SISTERHOOD, then that statement alone carries a sense of ownership. 

I  cannot walk away and not be affected by the stories of the women who have been sold into the sex trade. Women who are just like me. And you. 
Its the indivual story of these women that keep me awake at night. Its the stories of how, by partnering with A21, we can actually turn it around.  

So what is it that I have to offer? What can I bring? How can I help? 
I may not be able to do something to end world wide human trafficking (well not yet anyway) but I can help change the life for ONE. 

If $500 provides the support for a trafficked victim to experience her first steps to freedom. Well I can do that! 

Well what do I do everyday of my life? I photograph stuff! 


WHAT: 2 hour photoshoot for any family or individual in the Sydney region.

WHAT YOU GET: All photos taken unedited, and given to you on a USB stick by the end of the week. That way you can sought through them and print or use how you like.

COST: $300 ( proceeds will go towards 500 project)


Lets do this!! I can't do everything but I must do something.

Love Riv x 

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